In 2025 people are gradually moving away from fast content and devoting more time to reading books. Electronic and audio books are still popular, but paper editions are regaining popularity with every year. What is the reason for this?
There’s no simple answer to that. For some people, reading (or listening) to books is a way to relax; some like to learn new things; and many are studying at school or university and have to keep all of those paper editions at home.
Celebrities have played a big role in making this trend popular again. For example, the popular British singer Dua Lipa with her YouTube podcast where she discusses books with authors and guests from the world of literature. One of the latest podcasts featured the Nobel Prize Winner, Polish writer Olga Tokarczuk, so go check it out if you still haven’t.
Let’s not forget the fact that vinyl records have also grown in popularity and became an integral part of the interior in recent years. Since 2016, vinyl album sales have increased from 13.1 million to 49.6 million in 2023. It’s more than 278%!
As a book or vinyl store owner, you couldn’t miss that!
Naturally, it takes a little time for the logical question to arise: Where and how do customers keep it all clean and organized?
The answer is simple! Our decorative bookends for modern interiors are the perfect solution to this problem. They will not only emphasize their collections but also become the centerpiece of any room.
Stained glass bookends make a fantastic gift for anyone who loves books or art—or knows someone who does!

They are suitable for small spaces! Having height of 18 cm (7 inches), width of 15 cm (5.9 inches), depth of 8 cm (3.1 inches), allowing them to place books or vinyl in many formats. Your client don’t want two bookends? No problem, offer them one and they can use the wall as the second. What if you they collect books? Or don’t collect vinyl? They are free to use it as a standalone decoration anywhere in tge space.
We hope this short article has shown you how decorative bookends for modern interiors can be both beautiful and functional.